Ossabaw Island Hogs & American Bison because health and sustainability matter


American Bison grazing and eating hay


Our Beginning

We grew up on scenic farms in Central Pennsylvania. We learned the ways of the land through hard work and adopting the values instilled in us by our families.


“A happy and healthy community is not a fairytale. All you need is a seed.”

— NADIA Shabazz


The earth provides so much for us and it is our duty to take care of it and find new mutually beneficial methods.

Read about how we raise Bison consciencely

Ossabaw Island Hog close up exploring outside on Millersburg farm

Ossabaw Island Hog exploring outside


Our Mission

When we think about why we do what we do, it comes down to this- Bringing a higher quality of life and product means showing the community the true value of sustainability. Buying from smaller farmers with health regulated conditions is something we wish everybody in the world had the privilege of having access and option to.


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